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outdoor dogs X2

19 10:49:48

My Labrador retriever and jack Russell terrier absolutely love the outdoors and ask to go out a million times a day so I figured I'd make a place outside for them to safely spend there days when I'm working... they would be brought in every night(& brought in when none else is home) and *Wont* be out when its hailing golf balls or when its -35C or +30C I am not sure how to go about making a special area for them I was considering a dog run  but they all seem to be 6x6x10 or 7x7x12 is that too small for the two dogs? I was also wondering if a tarp is needed overtop? should they have a shelter or dog house? Is there anything Wrong with putting them outdoors in a dog run for the better part of most days? I do intend to keep walking them and such.  Thanks

Many dogs do fine outside, but some are problems.  I feel the best thing is to crate them and give them a mid day break.  That is very difficult for some people.  You could try fencing part of the yard.  My dogs have an area about 50' x 50'.  You could even use 2 of the standard dog kennels.  

It is essential you give them shade, shelter, and a spill proof source of water.  Some dogs can be trained to use a licker attached to an outdoor faucet.  

If things don't work, you can go back to what you are doing now.