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Resident puppy playing rough with puppy

19 11:36:19

We have a one and a half year old female lab mix, and just got a new weimaraner puppy that is now 9 weeks old. At first the resident dog was very aggressive with the new dog (especially around food). Now(about a week later) the aggression has gone away, but the resident dog is playing very rough with the new puppy that is still very small. The puppy will seem to get angry and start snapping or growling at our resident dog. Our resident dog is very socialized (we've been taking her to dog bark parks regularly since she was old enough to be introduced to that type of environment). I'm wondering if I should just let them play or if I should correct this behavior? Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi Elizabeth;
Correct it!!!
she is trying to establish dominance over the puppy, and you need to teach her that isn't allowed, they YOU are the alpha, and you don';t need any help.
she could be deliberatley pestering the puppy just to be devilish.
I use time out for punishment.
A good chewing out is first, and time-out is for more serious infractions, like snapping.
Time-out is about a half hour in the smallest bathroom. Nothing to do but lie of the bath mat and think, and dogs DO think.
After a couple of times in time-out, they only need to be threatened with it, in a scolding voice, to straighten up and behave right.
Work more on petting both dogs together, and showing the older dog it is not being replaced, but that she has to be sweet to the little one.