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My mini daschunds

19 10:54:03

QUESTION: We got our first a year and a half ago, moved into a bigger place with a
fenced in yard, and I started working full time so we decided it was time to
get her a friend.  We went back to the same place we got her, she met the
new one and they got along fine.  My worry now, is how do I make sure food
and treats do not become an issue as far as food aggression?  Or do i just
make sure they always eat separately and never open that door?  What would
you recommend as a good way to approach training without making the
other jealous?  We had gone through training with the first and it was great,
continued at home, it's the point where I can say her name and point and she
will go there.  He started last weekend, but with reinforcement throughout
the week, do I keep them separate?  He hasn't really gotten the oh she's
sitting and getting a treat, maybe if I keep jumping in her head I will get one
too.  I also have the issue of the first eating her poop.  We can clean it up as
soon as we see it (when we're not home I can't help that), we have put the
stuff in her food from the vet, I have put stuff on it to deter, she doesn't have
worms or anything, I do not know what to do about that one.

ANSWER: Poop eating is a habit, like biting your fingernails and a hard one to break. Try another product in food if that one isn't working, keep the area VERY clean and use behavior modification to discourage her (a can of pennies thrown near her when she's doing it etc).
Go to alpha dog boot camp on the web to learn how to establish and maintain pack order. That will end the food aggression and dominance issue. Work with the dogs separately EVERY day. Power walk them at heel every single solitiary day. At least for thirty minutes.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the prompt response and I was looking at that site as you
mentioned for someone else and they have some helpful tips.
How do I make sure there is no jealousy issue with working with them
separately?  They tend to get nippy when one is being put back with the other
after being alone.  Or will this just go away with time and become part of the
routine?  I also forgot to ask about whining, he does not stop.  I can ignore
him, tell him no, look away, avoid, close the door, put a blanket over the
crate, no matter what my husband or I can think of will make him stop.  He
will whine about being outside (he has learned to go out and pee quickly) but
will be no where near the door, he will be sniffing around the grass.  I don't

Get him vetted to be sure there's nothing wrong physically. But I bet it's just a habit Doxies who don't have enough to occupy themselves tend to develop ocd type behavior.
I think it will resolve as long as you don't cater to him. You will likely have more success if you ignore that type behavior.
He'll eventually stop. To address the jealousy problems. If you tire them out enough they'll be too tired to snap at each other LOL. That's what you're looking for. Once you start setting some ground rules in their language and sticking to it, that nippiness is going to go away as well. Do be sure and provide them with plenty of toys and change them out often. Boredome really makes doxies do crazy things. The things the website suggests  should become a way of life.
People tend to forget how tough those little hounds can be. Having been bred not only to hunt badgers, and to unearth them but to also dispatch them, they are TOUGH cookies and need to be treated as if they were larger dogs. :)
The walking is the beginning. PLAY with them, let them chase balls, light sticks, take them to the park, anything to get them moving. obedience classes are GREAT. And since doxies are hounds after all, they love to chase things. Take advantage of that!
You're going to be amazed at how quickly things even out. Just remember, consistency, reward good behavior, ignore bad behavior and did I mention consistency? :)
Good luck