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Puppy peeing in the house

19 10:14:14


I have a 2year old Springer that I have adopted from a couple who have divorced and a 5 month Lab x american bulldog whom we rescued from a home at the same time. Everything is great behaviour wise and house training seemed to be going well until recently.
Myli the pup has been brilliant with doing her stuff in the garden and hasn't had any accidents in the house for weeks, but all of a sudden when we come down in the mornings there is mess and when I come home at lunch there's mess.
Both dogs have their own beds in our extension with a dog flap allowing them to roam the garden as they please. Whenever we are there we have noticed Myli releiving herself in the garden of her own accord but we also ensure that we take her at certain times after eating etc and treat her when she does good, she seems to have taken the lead from Bumble our other dog which we thought was great. However as I said earlier this has changed as when we're not there she seems to wee wherever she likes which I thought was strange as its the area they sleep and eat also. Nothing has changed with routine or anything so I just don't understand what's happening? We don't shout at her for this but its so frustrating as we know she goes outside to relieve herself sometimes so why not all the time?Please help. many thanks Kate

since this is all of a sudden,this could actually be a medical thing,such as a bladder or kidney infection,which are common,but cause dogs to make 'accidents' when they never have before,so having your vet look at her first might be a good idea

Now if everything is clear,what you will have to do is to use a crate,and keep her in there at all times,except to feed her take her outside ect for about three weeks and slowly let her out more,and if accidents happen again,back in the crate she goes for another week

But since she is going in her bed ect,it does in fact sound like it could be an infection