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Large Dogs

19 14:10:14

My mother and I live alone (2 women).  I have a chihuahua who is 3 years old (male).  My son wants us to get a big dog for safety, security reasons.  I use to have doberman pinchers and felt very safe.  I just don't feel too safe with the chihuahua (because of it's size).  He is a good guard dog and barks at everything.  I just feel safer with a big dog.  I want to get a Great Dane but I'm not sure if they will get along. Can you tell me what large dogs are compatible with chihuahua's?  

There is no way to know who will get along.  There is no certain breeds that get along with certain breeds.  Each dog is different.  Great Danes are generally gentle giants. I would guess that if brought in as a puppy most dogs would be fine with your Chewy. I would be more worried about the Chewey accepting another dog.  They tend to be very territorial and protective of their owners. At 3 years old, I would bet he would not bond well with a new dog.  You also have to remember if you get a big dog...say a Dane puppy- it will want to play with the chihuahua...even as a puppy they have big feet and play rough and could possible injure your little dog. You know your dog better then anyone.  Is he friendly towards people and other dogs?  If not, I think he would have a hard time excepting another dog.
On another note...You say your Chihuahua barks/alerts you to every noise.  That is all you need as far as a guard dog is concerned.  You really don't want a dog that would bite someone.  You can lose everything including your home over a dog bite these days. If you are considering a large breed for protection only, I would reconsider.  Get a dog because you want a pet, not a guard dog.
If you are set on a large dog consider the following breeds: boxer, dobes, great dane, bernese mt. dog, st bernard, german shepherds.
Stay away from Akitas, Chows, Rottweilers,
Good Luck to you,  Wendy