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training puppies

19 10:47:04

I will be getting two shih tzu puppies in 5 weeks, they will be nine weeks old.  Can you give me some suggestions on training two? I have read a lot of information but no tips on training two, one at a time, or together??

As far as obedience training goes, only work one at a time.  If that wasn't what you were thinking of, go ahead and plan to start.  I start my 7 week old puppies on the way out of the kennel the day I pick them up.  Keep sessions short, only a few repetitions at a time.  I wouldn't try walking them both on lead together.  

As for housebreaking, work them together.  When one shows signs of needing to go out, take them both out.  They may continue their play.  Let them, the exercise will help stimulate their bodies.  Praise each one if it does anything.