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my pregant staffordshire bull terrier is shaking

19 9:21:38

hi i have a pregnant staffordshire bull terrier her due date is Sunday but for the last few days she has been shaking,panting,and seems very nervous all the time and she also is very uncomfortable now she does not lay still at all not even at night i just want to know why she is doing this does this mean her labour is starting and also will i have to move the male away during this time as we got both mom and dad? any help would be great thanks

Hi Kate,

Thank you for writing to me.  You dog is in crisis.  She must be seen by a vet immediately on an emergency basis.  Just like humans who are pregnant, dogs need pre natal care.  Shaking is a sign of extreme pain, along with the panting.

As for her being pregnant, after this birth, if she survives, please have her spayed.  For one thing, every heat that a dog goes through her chances for cancer grow dramatically and they don't after spaying.  Secondly, for every puppy born there is one less home for a dog on death row and millions of precious dogs are killed every year because people are not spay/neutering their dogs.  Please be a responsible dog owner and have your dogs spay/neutered.  You will be saving many lives that way and avoiding cancers in both your dogs related to hormones.

Please rush your girl to the vet today.

Thank you.
Shelley Davis