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Boxer Puppy has bo leg?

19 10:27:01

We have a 13 week old Boxer puppy. We got him when he was 9 weeks old. He has been to the vet for some shots. The vet didnt notice and my husband forgot to bring it up and Im wondering if we should bring him in to be seen. His one front leg is kind of bo legged, It reminded me of like a Bulldog, But lately watching alot of boxer shows and things online it doesnt seem to be a charchteristic in boxers. He seems to run and play on that leg no problems but Im just concered as he is growing. Thank You

Hi April,

Your puppy needs to be examined by your veterinarian to see if he has Rickets.

The illness of Rickets is present in young dogs due to the lack or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. It is characterized by a tendency toward the formation of long bones in the legs. There is a tendency in puppies for the long bones to arch outward due to the pressure of the body weight. In more advanced cases, the complete bone structure is deteriorated, and the dog has a lot of difficulties getting around.

In order for an animal with Rickets to recuperate, he must be under veterinarian treatment. Because your puppy is still quite young, now is the time to get him treated! This can worsen notably over time, leading to an irreversible state.

Other than Rickets, there are bone growth problems your vet should either confirm or rule out. Again, this needs to be done now, while your puppy is still quite young so he can benefit from treatments.

Best of luck,
