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Pooping in the wrong area

19 11:16:56

I have recently redone my backyard, adding a pool, patio and gardens. The place where my dog usually did his "business" is gone. He now uses the patio. How can I stop this and get him to go on the new lawn area?

Well you have a couple of choices. You can take him out on a leash every day for awhile and take him to the spot you want him to go,and praise him for going. OR, you can put something down on the patio that will make it unpleasant for him to walk on it. Chicken wire, tin (blunt edges only please!) anything that crackles and makes a noise when stepped on or that makes it uncomfortable for his feet (NOT painful). You can also try some red pepper, or lemon scenting on the patio itself. They usually will sniff prior to pottying. Another idea is to put up a temporary barrier around the patio until he gets the idea. If he CANNOT go there he will go elsewhere. Not knowing what your set up is I can't tell you which of these will  work the best for you. There is also a product called doggie NO that you can spray on the patio but I have not seen that work very well in the past. You don't have to put whatever you use as a deterrent on the ENTIRE area, just around the edges deep enough to keep him from walking on into the patio.  I've known people to use small mouse traps (not large enough to catch his feet, just to snap and make a noise), drink cans with pebbles in them, anything that makes noise when he bumps it, or makes it uncomfortable for his feet when he steps on it.
Let me know how things work out for you,