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19 11:34:49

My 11 year old boxer came back from 3 days at the kennels, and has diareah for the last 3 days.  What can I give him?

There are a number of products that might work, but I guess I would first want to take in a stool sample to see what the problem might be. It is possible that he picked up some sort of bacteria or parasite (I am thinking more along the line of giardia or coccidiosis rather than worms, which would take longer to cause problems), and which would require specific drugs from your veterinarian.

Two of my favorite products for "ordinary" diarrhea are Kao-Pectin and Biosol, and you can find them at Fleet Farm and other farm supply stores. The pink Kao-Pectin particularly is the safest (can be given to newborns), and the dogs really enjoy its flavor (unlike KaoPectate which they will try to spit out). You might also try giving your dog a bit (tsp.) of plain yogurt with active cultures, and I would probably fast him for 24 hours to give his gut a chance to rest.
