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toilte trainning

19 9:41:06

1) that a medical issue please
i got my dog 3 weeks ago from someone who dont want her anymore.
she is 2.5 years old as per the vet,
for 2 weeks she is only eating and sleeping doing nothing else as she was living with her bro and sis and mother
so i went to the vet he gave her 3 injections as vaccinations,then just after that she became much better started to move around and check the sounds source....but only for 2 days
then again she became depressed and sleepy and NOT Eating with really bad breath smell
i got her lots of types of food soft and hard  but no use
i got her that denta stix but not eating it
she is now shacking a little bet and licking anything the floor any thing!!!!! she something move around after use  but normally she keep sleeping
she is also sneezing from time to time
what's wrong with her!

2) how can i train her to do toilet in a certain place (carton box)


Hi Mina,

Nobody can diagnose your dog over the Internet. You need to contact your veterinarian and tell the doctor your dog's symptoms. You may need to bring her in for an office visit.

Allowing your dog to relieve herself anywhere inside your home will make the overall job of housetraining that much harder and take longer. By only allowing your dog to relieve herself outside, you're teaching her that it's not acceptable to have accidents anywhere in the house. Using newspapers or other options inside your home will override this training.

Your dog would benefit more from going outside on leashed walks, than from going to the bathroom in an area of your home. Dogs need exercise, not only to stay fit and trim, but for the mental stimulation they get from going outside and sniffing around. Without the proper amount of exercise each day, a dog will develop behavioral issues, not to mention it probably will get fat. If you are away from your home for long periods of time during the day, and can't get home to take your dog outside, or can't find somebody to take your dog outside for you, then you can train your dog to relieve herself in an area of your home. You should of course make the time to give your dog a good long walk or run outside when you get home.

Never leave your untrained dog unattended in your house! Even if you're home but just can't be supervising your dog she needs to be contained in an area that has a thick layer of clean news paper that covers the entire containment area. Accidents in the home are due to not supervising a dog closely enough, and by giving it the run of the house. Use a child gate or two to make this containment area someplace in your home. Pick an area with linoleum or tile flooring.  

After a while, you'll notice a spot within the containment area where your dog prefers to soil. Clean up the soiled paper every time. It is more sanitary and your dog may be fussy about pottying on papers that are already messed. Once you see your dog has a preference for spot in her area, you can start to remove newspaper from the other parts of the containment area. If your dog starts to have accidents on the bare floor, don't scold your dog, you've simply removed too much paper too soon. If this is the case, put the paper back over the entire containment area.

Best of luck,