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Post Whelping Care

19 14:33:31

On Monday, 2-9-04, my precious Gracie, 2 yr. old Shih Tzu gave birth to 6 babies.  I am not a breeder, just a Shih Tzu lover who decided to cave to the several friends who begged me to breed her.  The pups seem to be doing great and technically so does Grace.  She is an excellent, protective mommy.  The pups have nursed constantly since birth.  Grace ate for the first time 3 hours after whelping and has eaten every time food has been offered since.  My questions are...#1  She absolutely refuses to use the potty outside, as she has done since she was 6 weeks old, because she will not leave her pups long enough.  She has only urinated once in 24 hours (unfortunately on my bedroom carpet)and not defacated at all. And... #2  There has been no blood or discharge coming of any kind coming from Gracie since the birth of the pups.  Is this odd?  Should I be concerned?  I should add that she doesn't act in any way sick...only focused on those babies and the task at hand.  What should I watch for?  Please help a worried mom.  

Hi Linda

Do not worry, they discharge at odd days.  Keep her in one room in a whelp box she should of had to whelp the pups most safer.  Put papers downa and tell her to use them.

Feed her puppy brand of food to keep her milk rich and lots of water fresh.  When pups are over 3 wks, grind puppy food up and soak over night get some esplicac from a vet and add one spoon that comes with it and make it soupy and let them start to slurp at it. Measure so u know how much they eat.

I also advise u go to and get some Fresh Factors and Bug OFf and smash into the puppies food and give to the mommy.  Great supplement and keeps fleas and ticks off without chemicals.  My Shepherds have no chemicals but once a month I worm them with Zimectrin one mi. and a rabi vac every 3 yrs.  Chemicals are causing cancers, heart problems in dogs and I do not even get a yearly booster for mine only up to one year the puppy shots.

Give her a beaten raw egg with a tbsp of sugar for a quick pickup every few days.  this is good during labor also. I am about to whelp again in March, just dec four whelped nine pups.  All are gone into homes so healthy with these super supplements I use from a docter that researched them for me.

Do not worry about discharge in such a little breed, she will let go what is necessary, nothing like my breed that weeps alot of blood and black \discharge I have to bathe the rear ends of the bitch, just keep her clean back there and comfortable, in about two week she will start to move about.  She is doing fine and keep in touch, visit my site and write me an email on contact page or litters is email and I can guide u through this, I have whelped so many litters.
Kind Regards
look on litters at my babies now gone and gino my stud on males, etc.