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9 wk old puppy and taking him outside to potty

19 10:53:58

Hi Cindi, I have a 9 wk old puppy (two days now)and have been attempting to get him to go potty on his wee pads in my apt. He is not taking really well to them. I have been waking two time in the night and taking him to the pads, but he has not went. Also, right after waking in the morning, he has not went. Any reasons for that? He stops getting water at 8pm. My other question is that I want to take him outside potty, in my pet friendly community. He is not done with all his shots, is this okay? (in terms of him getting sick) People walk their dogs all the time. Also, we have a ton of squirrels who I'm sure have rabies...what about them? Please advise. I really want the training to work.

Pick one training method and stick to it. If you have dogs crossing into your yard then I would not take puppy outside, you should also bleach the soles of your shoes prior to coming into the house.
If you think you have squirrels with rabies you should contact animal control.
Put the pads in one area. Put him on a schedule of eating and drinking.
Try confining him to a small area with his food,. water and the pads for awhile. Only take him out of his area when you know he has pottied and give him lots of praise when you 'catch' him doing it. Ignore his mistakes.
He IS going SOMEWHERE right???
thanks for the question :)