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19 9:13:04

We have a small dog, chauaua terrier mix. He never goes out without a leash and one of us with him. He has gotten to where he lets us know he wants to go and while we are getting our coat on he hides under our king size bed. We have tried bribing with treats and my husband ends up crawling and getting him. We are in our 60's and this is hard for him. Once we get him out he walks with us and seems to enjoy it. Why is he doing this and what can we do?

Something has happened at one time that has either been painful or scary during the act of putting on the leash.  It could be the way you pick him up that hurts his armpits or looming over him to snap it on etc.  So first thing is be careful you are not picking him up in a painful manner although he doesn't yelp or whimper the act of picking up a dog by the front legs is painful.  If that is not the issue try a couple of things:

Try putting the leash on before you put on your coats, giving him a treat as soon as it is on him.  Wouldn't this be nice if it works it is such an easy fix, but if not.....

Put the leash on several times per day and taking it off so he doesn't associate it with going out.  Each time make sure he gets a treat after the leash is on.

Be aware of the process you are doing when you are putting on the leash and see if there is anything you do that makes him tense up. If there is, try a different method.

let me know if any of these work.