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mini schnauzer skin issues

19 10:04:50

My mini schnauzer has skin problems is this a common thing that you have seen? Do you have any home remedies or is there anything i can do or get for her to help easy the scratching? I feel so sorry for her the vet says give her benedryl but i dont want to keep her doped up like that. I just want to help the poor girl if you have any insite i would greatly appreciate it.

Skin problems can be caused from many things, and the only real way to eliminate them is to figure out what is causing the problem.

It could be diet; feed a good quality food like Eagle, Wellness, Canidae, or Solid Gold. Sometimes putting a bit of fish oil on the food will help.

Allergies can be a huge problem. Be sure she doesn't have any fleas or other parasites. Dogs can be allergic to as many things as people. If it is grass or pollen, wiping her down (particularly her feet) when she first comes back inside sometimes helps. Dust mites in the house can also be a problem. Allergies are hereditary, and sometimes the only way to figure out the cause is by testing. An elimination diet might tell one if it is something in the food.

Dry skin/itching can also be due to thyroid issues, and testing her might be beneficial. Bathing her in an oatmeal shampoo might help a bit.