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Stomach noises

19 9:18:09

My 5 year old yorkie girl stomach is making weird noises. What can I give her?
Please help.

Hi Dejavu,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's tummy noises.  You haven't said what you are feeding her...many dogs cannot tolerate grains...and many grains these days are toxic, such as soy and corn, due to GMO being used.  The best food would be a real food, and the best of those are either frozen or you cook it yourself. Rotate her protein (chicken, beef etc) so you can see if she's allergic to something she's eating the is producing the gas.

Before feeding, give your girl a digestive enzyme or add Prozyme to the food.  This will help her digest and absorb nutrients.

The gurgling is from gas.  Be sure to wet the food and let it sit for a few minutes.  Otherwise, it absorbs the moisture in the stomach and produces gas..the production of this gas can lead to a deadly condition called Bloat.  A dog with Bloat has a very small window of time to get help, before the condition becomes fatal.

I give my dog a homeopathic remedy which helps her with digestion called BMI Stomach.  You can order it on line.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis

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