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Hi Becky,I have a 5 month...

19 14:07:49

Hi Becky,
I have a 5 month old male shitzu "Bear".  He is a very energetic puppy.  We to have a 4 yr old lab, they get along great. Last night about 3am he woke up yelping very loud then he went quiet and limp. After he was fine.  This happened about 1 1/2 months ago. I was bringing him in and I was wiping his feet and he started yelping then his body went limp, I called my son cause I was scared (it look like he was about to die) he lifted him up and Bear just started to move around all happy again.  I called the vet and they said they never heard of it.  Just to watch him and if it happens again try to get him in quickly to be examined.
I was wondering if you have ever heard of this.  
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

HI Roberta!

It sounds like some kind of seizer to me.  I don't really know that for sure, but what you are describing sounds like it.  I would ask my vet if there is anything they can give him to keep him from having them.  So far, no problems, but what if he hurst himself sometime when you aren't home and he has a seizure?  Just a thought......

Good luck and God bless!
