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Smelly dog ears

19 9:51:29

My Yellow Lab has smelly ears,been told by vet she has yeast infection. Meds very costly every month. If possible can you give me some insight on any over the counter meds I can use. I have been using 1, but works only temporarily. Also I would like any info on what I can us to wipe away the discharge, something soft that will not harm her. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.  

Hello Heather,

Yeast infections need to by treated with anti-fungal meds, however there are some preventive measures you can make to insure that it won't keep reoccurring.  One, is to make sure that no water in getting into the ears.  When bathing, put cotton in her ears to block the water. When she has been outside playing, check her ears and wipe them out afterwards. Two, is to give her NuVet Plus, this is a supplement that is an immune system builder.  These are far less costly than vet medicines and better for her over all health.  Here is the order info 1-800-474-7044 with order code 42299 or on-line at A 90 day supply is what you should get.  Start with 2 wafers a day until you see an improvement and then 1 daily for maintenance.  There is a 100% money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.

Hope this helps.
Susan Potts