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Massive Weight Loss

19 9:46:26

Our dog Skye a Springer Spaniel, has had a massive weight loss of nearly 2 stone in a month her weight is not ll kilos, She is just her normal self still hyper happy no change whatsoever. and the vets are baffled, they say they have never seen anything like it they have tested for everything, now they are going to xray her to see if there are any tumors hidded somewhere, but she is so thin they said they can't feel anything, and as I ay mistified, any help would be gratefuuly received.


Hi Rosalind,

I'm sorry that you've been having such trouble having your dog, Skye diagnosed.  I couldn't possibly tell you what her problem might be, what I can offer is that blood work can have false positive or negative results, so at some point you should have your vet re-run the blood-work. If it hasn't yet been done, check for parasites, including tapeworm. Another thing you can try is to have your dog examined by a veterinary specialist.  Your regular vet should be able to give you a referral to the specialist, who would be more experienced treating difficult cases.

Of course you need to find out the cause of the weight loss, but until that happens adding calories to Skye's diet would be helpful. Because she is happy and willing to eat, try supplementing her daily food with a good quality puppy food diet. Puppy food provides more calories and nutrients than adult dog foods, so that can help make up for some of the weight loss. Alternatively, you could add cottage cheese, and grated hard boiled egg to your dog's meals.  If your dog only eats once a day, try dividing her daily rations into two or even three feedings. Here is a recipe for "Fat Balls" a high calorie dog treat you could give to your dog between meals as a treat to help with a dog gain weight:

10 lb (4.53kg) Hamburger
10 oz (.28kg) uncooked Oatmeal
6 Egg Yolks
10 oz (.28kg) Wheat Germ
10 oz (.28kg) Molasses

Put in a big bowl and mix.
Roll into one inch balls, or form into patties. Freeze.

Best of luck,