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.small dog consipation

19 14:27:49

My Mini Pomeranian is constipated - I tried baby supositories - still
nothing overnight.  Now she is some pain

Hi Jan,

Giving your dog a laxative without the consultation of a vet may be missing the problem. Without alarming you there are a number of reasons why your dog might be constipated, some more serious than others. It is a good idea to figure out what the underlying cause is, if possible. However, if you really want to use a home-remedy, I would suggest vegetable oil, sunflower oil or olive oil, 1-2 teaspoons mixed into each meal.

Adding fiber to your pets food will prevent constipation in most pets who have a mild problem from time to time. A high-fiber commercial food will work, or you can mix unflavored Metamucil into canned food. Check pet food labels for a diet that supplies 2.4 grams of soluble fiber per serving. You can use 1 teaspoon of Metamucil per meal for each 10 to 25 pounds of body weight.

One of the best and healthiest ways to prevent constipation is to mix pumpkin into your pets food. Pumpkin is very high in fiber and has a high water content, and both of these factors help keep pets regular. Even better, most dogs love the taste, especially canned pumpkin. it takes only 1 to 2 teaspoons per meal for a dog who weighs less than 15 pounds. Dogs that weigh 15-35 pounds can have 1-2 tablespoons.

Another thing you can use is Grape Nuts cereal- dogs seem to love that as well. Just give a few teaspoons of it a couple times through the day and that should help your pet "go".
If your dog's stool appear too runny, you'll know to cut back slightly on the fiber you're adding to her diet.

You didn't say how long your dog has been constipated,but you will want to get your dog to the vet if this has been going on for several days.

I hope I've been a help. Best of luck,
