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bed wetting

19 14:12:49

Hi, this is regarding my irish setter puppy (female) whose almost 4 months old. off late she has an uncontrolable bladder problem while she sleeps. As long as she's awake, her paper pee hit rate is a 100% ! It's only while she sleeps that she urinates and doesn't even realize it ! She continues to sleep in the puddle ! My vet says it's normal for puppies to do this till 6 months. My worry is i got her at 2 months and she didn't do it then ! it's a new habit she aquired. Please help ! She's currently on pedigree puppy and drinks a lot of water during the day.At night, I remove her water bowl about 1/2 hour after dinner. This has helped a lot. BUT THE PROBLEM IS DURING THE DAY NAPS ! Thanks

Hi Niki;
I have had puppies that wet the bed becauase their bladder has not fully developed, like a bed wetting child, and they grow out of it.
It is a good idea to have her checked by her Vet though.
Diabetes in dogs is not that uncommon, and this could be a warning sign of it.
There could be a bladder infection.
First, make sure it is not something caused by a health problem. If it is just an immature bladder, she should grow out of it, but since it has started recently, I would be concerned about a health problem, and that could be addressed before it turns into a much more serious and costly problem.
With the bedwetting puppies i had, I used pads like they use in hospitals. I got them at drug stores, and put one of them on the puppy's bed. Then you can just remove the pad, and not have to deal with a wet bed.
Or you could make your own washable pads.
Get a plastic to cover the bed, and make pads by cutting an old blanket or mattress pad, into the right sizes to fit over the bed. You can make several and just drop them on the washing machine.
I would have her seen first, to rule out a health problem and if there is one, to fix it right away.