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6 mo. cockapoo doesnt bark

19 10:51:55

my cockapoo doesn't bark, just whines when she wants my attention. thanking you in advance.

Hi there,

Whining by dogs, like the crying of human infants, is a sound that is virtually irresistible, thus ensuring the pups' proper care and attention. At first, whining is automatic, rather than planned, and is stimulated whenever the youngster is cold or hungry. The result: A visit from mom whenever one of her pups whines. She is then able to assess the need of the pup and to supply the missing ingredient. Soon, pups learn to whine with purpose.

Don't try to answer your dog's every whine and whimper. When dogs are catered to in such an attentive manner they can become overly pushy and  expect you to jump to attention whenever you're summoned. Whining is a key method for such dogs to summon attention.

Make sure your dog receives plenty of exercise. Ignore your dog when she whines, and offer a reward when she's quiet. In time, she will learn not to whine, but it will take time.

This website might help:

Hope that helps,