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German Shepard leg hurts

19 14:04:15

My German Shepard is 2 years old.  THis morning he was running and jumping as ususal, but in the afternoon I noticed that he was holding up his right front leg. Upon inspection, I notice that he had licked on his leg where it bends, there were no obvious marks or blood, I rubbed it and it did not seem to bother him much.  I noticed that he will still run on it, but when he is standing still he holds it up.  We also checked his paws to see if he had an injury or something in it, but nothing.  I assumed since he lick the leg, that is where it hurts.  Could he have sprained it?  Thanks Connie  

Hi Connie,

Since I can't see your dog or feel the leg, then I can only guess. Yes, it is very possible that he has sprained his leg,however, I don't know why he would be licking it. It sounds more to me like a small bite (spider?) or bee sting.  These would more likely cause him to lick at it.  I would watch him real close and see what develops. If you see swelling and he continues to hold it up, then a trip to the vet might be in order.  I wouldn't be too worried though, if he is still running on it.

God Bless,