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grooming my shit-zu

19 11:56:39


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Hi Cindy lou thanks for your prompt respond, yes the shit-zu bite,doesn't stay still for grooming,brushing, filling his nails, everything that has to do with grooming, and no matter what I do is mission impossible. I was told by a groomer to give him cold medicine may make him sleepy and that may work, but I'm not sure if that is going to harm him, so again if you know another way, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Angelina
I have a shit-zu, he is about 6 years old, I have him since he was a puppy, but since then he have a behavior problem,since he was a puppy every time I take him to the groomer he is very agressive, so the groomer told me she will no longer groom him  and I have no choice but to start doing it myself, but I have the same problem she had. My question is, do you have a methodthat you would suggest to remedy this situation. Thank you I look foward to your respond.
Hello Angelina, Give me a few more details, such as what exactly is he doing, probably biting, but is it just for clipping the nails, around the face? and is it just for the clippers or is it for brushing and combing also?  Thanks, Cindy Lou :)

Hello Angelina, The cold medicine she is referring to is benadryl for children, you give them 1 tsp. per 12 pounds.  This may make him a little groggy, but it also may not.  You need an experienced groomer.  I have come across dogs like this and usually a firm hand and a calm voice can make a difference.  I say a calm voice because when he is hyped up (like if a person is having a panic attack) you need to remain calm yourself to calm him down.  A firm hand gives you control, like if he is bouncing and moving around then placing your hand over the top of the shoulder blades pressing firmly will stop the bouncing.  Use a muzzel for the biting at first until you feel like you have more control.  Also putting your dog in submission. such as putting him on his side and not letting him up until you say, may also help.  It is so hard to give you an exact description in writing.  To give you a The dog whisperer on national geographic, he is a dog trainer and his methods and theories work extremely well.  Also here is his website;
Good luck and don't give up with the right groomer and or methods your dog will come around.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)