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Red blistery bump on paw

19 13:42:04

I have a 7 year old female Boxer.  She is known for her lumps and bumps, but this one has me puzzled.  She has a bump between her toes/pads that looks red (blood filled), wet (but isn't)and is the size of a pea.  It breaks open from time to time and bleeds.  She has had this removed once already 4 months ago and now it is back again.  I did not opt for the biopsy at the time, but it sounds like they did not get it all and possibly has a root.  I was very insistent that the vet makes sure to get the root so this would not happen again.  Well here we are.  Do you know what it could be?

Hi Laura :-)

It is very difficult to say what this could be hun. It may simply be a sebaceous cyst but on his paw pad and it is bleeding because as he walks, this is irritating and rubbing the top layer of skin from the cyst.

The best thing to do is see your Vet for another examination and definitely had a biopsy performed this time to make sure its a cyst and keep telling the Vet you want the root removed. Unfortunately, with cysts, they can return again in about 27-30% of all cases even if the root has been removed.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x