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19 10:28:12

Hi Kristin,

My pug Onyx (10 months old) has become very attached to me over the past 2 weeks, today I noticed little bit of spotting but it is not red.  I have two questions...

1)  Is this a sign of going into heat?  
2)  Do you know if I can have her spaded while in heat?


Hi Linda,

If your dog hasn't yet had her first heat cycle, then it's entirely possible that's what the discharge is.

At the start of the heat cycle the discharge can be anywhere from milky to dark red (or somewhere in between in color). Sometime around nine to twelve days into the cycle, the color of the discharge changes, it can be a pinkish-tan to straw colored.
The heat cycle lasts approximately 21 days. Keep a close eye on your dog, and do not allow her to be outside unattended. Male dogs are beyond persistent when they know there's a female in heat nearby.

It's possible to spay a dog during her heat cycle, but it's not the best time. Most veterinarians prefer not to spay a dog in heat because the uterine tissue can be swollen, fragile, and more prone to damage. Dogs also have a tendency to bleed more when they're in heat. Because of this, the heat cycle makes surgery more risky.

Most veterinarians prefer to delay spaying a dog until she has been out of heat for a month or so. And, since a recently spayed dog may still be attractive to males, performing the surgery during heat won't do anything to keep the neighbors' dogs out of your yard. The best thing for your dog's health is to keep her safe inside for now and to have your veterinarian perform surgery in a month or so.

Best of luck,
