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nipples bleeding

19 11:36:22

I have a 14 month old yellow lab.  We got her about 3 months ago.  Within 10 days of getting her her nipples swelled up and hung quite low.  I was told by her former owner that she was in heat just before we got her.  She seemed fine I thought that she could possibly be pregnant.  Tonight however, she had some blood on her leg after closer inspection we found that her nipple was bleeding not just the ones that were swollen but I believe 4 of them were bleeding it came out just like milk would but it was clearly blood.  After we cleaned her off her nipples seemed to be much smaller.  I have no extra money at this time due to my upcoming wedding it's in 30 days so I am very poor....what should I do just keep an eye on her what would cause this she's very young yet.
Thank you for your time.


I worry she may have a slight infection in her nipples/mammary glands.  This is called Mastitis.  Since you're low on money the best thing you can do is hot compress her nipples 4 times a day for 10 minutes and clean them with an antibacterial moisturizing soap 3 times a day.

For the hot compress take a wash cloth, get it wet and ring it out so its barely damp.  Put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds and check that its not too hot for your skin.  Place it on her nipples and apply firm even pressure and hold on for as long as it stays warm.  You can use bigger hand towels for this as well.  When the towel is no longer hot, rinse it out, ring it out and microwave again.  repeat this so that you're compressing the areas for a total of 10 minutes.  

The purpose of hot compressing is to increase bloodflow to the area which helps carry the infection away.  Don't squeeze at her nipples, just keep them clean and do the hot compressing.

If she should develop any other symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or if the discharge becomes purulent (pus), then I think you should take her to a vet as soon as possible.  There are usually payment plans offered by some vets, so hopefully that helps.

Mastitis can be caused by all kinds of things, sometimes it's just luck!  The important thing is that you're aware of it, just keep an eye on her and I do recommend you get a digital thermometer and some KY jelly (plain non-spermicidal) so you can monitor her temperature, a dog's normal temp is 100.5 - 102.5. Use the KY to lubricate the end of the thermometer when you insert it into her anus.

If she has a fever than its a safe bet she has an infection and needs antibiotics from a vet.  

Good luck and congrats on your wedding! My husband and I just had our 1 year anniversary :-)
