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My dogs dont like each other

19 11:53:39

I have 2 dogs both of the same family the 1st one is cairn terrier we've had him for 3 years (Toby) He is sweet and gentle in nature and have never had an issue with him biting...4 days ago we adopted a Scottish terrier who lived with an older couple since he was a puppy they could no longer take care of him so we took him in, since we have had him he's sweet and gentle also very good with both are little girls, we can see he has had very good training and when he is bad he knows it and runs to his crate... I do not like to cage animals so the only time we put him in there is when we leave...His name is spike.. We tried to introduce them both and Toby was very excited he loves all other animals and ran up to him wagging his tail and smelling him, Spike however did not take kindly to Tobys advances and was growling, We tried calling Toby away and as soon as we did Spike attacked him biting him and it took a few minuted to separate them... SO we have pretty much have had them separated.... Now Spike is the one who tries to advance on Toby but Toby doesn't want anything to do with Spike he growls and barks.... I don't know what to do and I don't want to have to get rid of either of them... Neither of them are neutered and I don't want to do that to them either... How do I get them to like each other so we can all be happy and my little girls don't have the heart broken?

Hi Becky;
Are these dogs such good bloodlines that they should be bred?
If not, having them neutered will not only help to train them to get along, but it is much better for their overall health, and helps them actually live longer.
Neutered dogs don't get Prostate cancer, and some other health problems.
Spayed females don't get breast cancer , or are at least much less likely to.
When mine act up, I put them in time-out.
Don't use the crate for time-out, or every time he is put in there, he will think he is being punished.
Use a small room like a bathroom or laundry, where it can be put, the door closed, and no toys, nothing but boredom.
They have to be taught that YOU are the boss, and they are just litle kids that have to mind.
Both are Terriers, so they both have a proclivity to want to be the boss, and both breeds are a bit bull headed, and the7y are tenacious little critters that don't back down easily.
Animal massage might help you train them quicker and easier.
I have used it for years with a good deal of success.
It is the best training tool I have found.
Go to this site and read whatyou can do with the massages, and if you like you can order the video there, to learn to do the different massages.
There are different massages for calming, pain relief, excessive barking, aggression etc.

Good luck, and write anytime you feel I might ba able to help.