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male dogs repellent

19 10:00:17

Please advise my female dog is in the mating season. The problem is that all the male dogs in the neighborhood come to my house and jump through the fence/wall. It is really difficult to sleep with the whole commotion.
What can I do to repell them

If there is a local animal control agency, you could call them and complain; are there no dog leash laws where you live? You really need to fix the area the dogs are getting through and make it dog-proof.

The only "sure fix" is to have your bitch spayed once she is out of season. If you choose to not do that, chlorophyll tablets often help to lessen the odor; apparently this also comes in liquid form. The problem is that the chlorophyll must be started at the first sign of season, and it is too late to start now with your bitch and expect to see results.