Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > licking air

licking air

19 11:20:57

QUESTION: My dog is about 3 yrs old we adopted her about 3 weeks ago.  After she eats she constantly licks the air.  Is this normal behavior?


ANSWER: Is she long haired? Maltese and shihtzu's and other breeds of long haired dogs will sometimes do this when hair is long enough to get into their mouths or catch food. It can also be an ocd type behavior,if that's the case it'll get worse. NExt possibility , although doubtful since from your post I am assuming it is only after she eats, it can be seizure like activity associated with epilepsy. Give me some more information, what kind of dog, age, etc and I can better help you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is a lab/golden mix if it is ocd is that bad that she has to be on medication. She is about 3 I noticed it was after she ate but it also happens other times.

ANSWER: OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder> She might need to be medicated, but you might also can correct it with some exercise and behavior modification. Get her out and going as much as you can. Walk her briskly at least twice per day, nice long walks. GEt her toys that can be filled with treats, and give her something to do. Put a tether ball and pole up for her in your backyard if you have one. Play with her , or run her at  least twice per week until her tongue hangs out. Correct her when she begins the licking by making the CHHH sound and saying no , then immediately find something else for her to do. Teach her to sit, get her involved in obedience classes, play fetch with her. Groom her right after she eats, anything to break the cycle. Exercise is the SINGLE most important thing you can do for her other than diet. Obedience classes are fun, rewarding and a great way to bond, you can also try some dog sports, like fly ball. Tired dogs are less likely to have the energy for compulsive behaviors and often they create these behaviors just to give themselves something to do, it then becomes like biting your nails and can be just as hard to break
good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you that makes a lot of sense.  I do try to play with her but she doesnt know what to do with the toys when she puts them in her mouth.  She just stands there with it in her mouth.  I try to show her what to do.  I dont take her for enough walks because it is cold but I will try to do that to tire her out.  When she does the licking I say no and pet her and she normally stops for a while.  Thank you for the advice I will try them

It's always hard when you have a dog that doesn't understand how to play with toys. It does happen. Try the treat filled toys, that's a great incentive for her to play with toys and hopefully will get her started. You can also try balls with bells in them, just roll them across the floor and hopefully they'll catch her interest. Another fun thing is the dog park if you have one in your area, if you don't, try to get involved in an obedience class or something that will give her some stimulation and exercise. You'll do fine :)
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