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puppy suddenly not eating

19 9:48:30

I have a 6 month old Great Pyrenees who lives through her tummy.  Yesterday morning, she refused any food but drank water.  It was 25 degrees that night and she is an outside dog who has a elevated dog house with a blanket for shelter.  Yesterday night she refused food as well and was acting like she wanted to throw up but didn't.  This morning she ate a scrambled egg and drank some chicken broth, but remains in her doghouse.  I have felt her stomache and it isn't bloated or hurting her.  She may have eaten something she shouln't have, I don't know, usually she eats everything in sight.  Please help me.  Thank you, Kerry  


Hi Kerry,

If your dog isn't having any symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, it's hard to say what exactly the problem is. It's possible she isn't feeling well and the problem just isn't a gastrointestinal one.

If your dog is ill, she might be running a temperature, that's something you can check to see if she's running a fever. Here are directions for how to take a dog's temperature:

During the winter an dogs that live outside require more calories in order to maintain a healthy weight because it takes more calories to stay warm.  If your dog isn't eating well, she may not be able to keep warm enough. You may need to bring her inside until she's acting more like herself.

If your dog continues to act lethargic and doesn't want to eat, then it's time for a vet visit.

Best of luck,