Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > RE: HELLLLPPPP!!!


19 11:02:49

My Chihuahua puppy's right front paw is broken or sprained but the problem is I don't know which one it is. Broken or sprained. Please help! She is only two months old and she is VERY playful.

Hi Sara,

Spotting a broken bone is not always easy. Don't force your puppy to walk, just so you can figure out which foot is injured, and do not manipulate the area. For one thing, it causes pain, and if it's really broken, you don't want to complicate things. Be especially carefully when you pick up your puppy, hold her so the broken limb will hang free.

There's no way for you to know if your puppy has a broken bone, or a sprain. Your puppy needs a vet exam, and possibly x-rays to be properly diagnosed. If you don't want to take your puppy to an after hours animal hospital now, you should call your regular vet tomorrow, first thing in the morning.

Although your main aim is to get the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible, immobilization of the break with a splint can prevent complications. Do not attempt to reset the bone. Any straight, firm object can suffice as an emergency splint, as long as it extends past the injured joint, immobilizing the joints above and below the injury. Tape or tie the splint into place so that it is secure, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation.

Dogs can develop arthritis later in life from joint injuries and this can eventually limit their movement and activity level. For that reason sprains should be taken seriously.

Best of luck,