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dog neutering and his behavior

19 11:53:12

Hi - I have a question - I have a jack Russell Terrier, who we let out in our backyard which is not fenced in, we have a lot of property.

He likes to roam outside for hours, but recently we find out he has been going over a mile away to a senior's community to visit a female lab dog, which worries me because he is crossing streets, and some of the old people in the community are complaining about  him being there and going to the bathroom in their bushes.

I made the decision  I am going to have him neutered, I was told this will take away his impulse to want to go over there, is this true? Also, I feel kind of cruel taking away his sex drive, is it a mean thing to do? He is 2 yrs old, very spunky, I do not want his behavior to change, and as silly as this sounds, I do not want him to be mad at us for doing this. Please advise


Yes,getting a dog fixed,does decrease the desire to wander off to find mates

It is not cruel,if you think it is cruel,go to the local shelter and see how many unwanted animals are in there-and the number one reason dogs and cats are put to sleep is because of pet overpopulation

If you are still convinced neutering is cruel take a look at some at this link,I will warn you though,they are not easy on the eyes

Also neutering also reduces a number of health problems