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puppy hernia

19 13:59:41

Hi Becky, we have a 2 month old puppy who is half pug and half pomeranian. We were unable
to sell it with the rest of the puppies to a pet store because the pet owner
identified it to have hernie so we couldnt sell it untill the problem was fixed.
We were told that we will need to wait 4 more months to get him operated on, but i
was just wondering if there was anything I could do to ensure he stays healthy and happy
during the next 4 months? for example a special diet, or a type of food or excercise we should avoid, or any other special
treatment it might need in order to keep the hernia from getting worse? Thankyou

Hi May,
That breed combination sounds adorable!  This is really quite common.  Most vets will fix them when they are being spayed or neutered.  That's what you should do.  I really don't think you have to do anything special for him right now.  It may not hurt, though, to check with your Vet to make positively sure, but I think he will be fine until he has his surgery without any special treatment.  

God Bless,