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Question about potty habits of my Maltese

19 11:44:23

Dlee:  I have a 3 year old male Maltese (8.5 lbs).  I have only had him for 4 days.  He is super obedient and loves to follow me around constantly (and I love it!!)  I am worried though.  He was a part-time outside dog - he mainly slept in an outdoor A/Cd kennel and played in the yard the rest of the time.  The first 2 mornings that I had him he pooped on the carpet in the living room (he was sleeping with me in my bed).  He must have done it in the wee hours of the morning.  So I'm doing what everyone suggested - I'm crating him at night...right by my bed.  He does wonderful.  No problems getting him in the crate nor does he cry or bark once he's in there (seems to me he is very comfortable and secure).  So, first thing in the morning I take him outside.  We have a fenced yard so I don't have to have him on a leash.  But he doesn't every pee until close to  one in the afternoon.  Is this normal?  Oh and since the crating...his pooping schedule has shifted to about 6 in the evening.  Should I be worried?  He eats Science Diet, and I have been giving him the Wagon Train Chicken sticks cut up in small pieces for training purposes - like sit, etc.  He drinks water - no problems there.

Hello, Well my dogs go outside first thing in the morning and pee this is at 7 am before I walk them and go to work, they also go out again after breakfest just before I leave to poop. It is possible he is a little wary of his new home and doesnt really want to pee in the yard maybe he had a special area to go in at his last home. Giving him a few more days to adjust properly will show you if he is just worried about going in the yard or if he just really doesnt need to pee until 1 pm.