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teaching old dog new tricks

19 14:16:32

I have an eight year old labrador mix. She is sweet and loving.
Good with my kids. But I don't walk her because she pulls
extremely hard on the leash. So i let her out back. She jumps up
on everyone. she counter surfs. she sleeps with me and my
husband. All she will do is sit on command. And maybe get off
the bed or sofa when I say "scoot". But only when i say it. Not my
husband or the kids. She licks me constantly! So clearly my dog
thinks she is either first or second in command in this house. I
wanted to get another dog to keep her company - I'm going to
be getting a job soon and I've never really left her alone for  long
amounts of time. Except when she was a puppy. I've always
stayed home with the kids and her. But I'm scared to bring in a
new dog (preferably a poodle) when I clearly didn't do my job
with this one. Is it too late to stop some of her behaviors.
Especially the jumping on people and I would like to take her on
my walks with me. So the pulling on the leash. Any help would
be appreciated. Thanks!

When she jumps onto a person have somebody u might know come by and put his/her knee hard into her chest when she comes up or tramp her back feet while up on a person.  The best solution to this is a hard knee into her chest and holler, NO NO.
she will quit this if u pursue the matter to make her behave.
As to another dog, NO, u have done such a poor job raising this one all u need is another bad dog.  Dogs are only as good as what the person raised them to be. Most the time it is poorly done so.
This dog needs a LEADER AND BOSS to be in totaly command of her behavior to stop the NO'O NOW.  She is going to go NUTS when u got to work, so u might want to find her a home before hand for she might chew down a room, etc.

Kind Regards