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Shitzu scratching

19 10:47:34

Hi, I have a 8-10 week old shitzu pup and he constantly scratches. I've given him flea and tick baths every two to three days and checked him for fleas and can't find anything. It's starting to get so bad that I'm finding little patches of his hair around the house from where he's biting and scratching so much. What can I do or give him to stop this? -Stephen

Hi Stephen,

If you're not finding fleas, your dog still have have fleas. Rather than bathing your puppy repeatedly with a flea and tick shampoo, which could dry his skin, a more effective method of flea control are the once a month topical preventive, such as Frontline Tops Spot Plus, K9 Advantage, Revolution or Program.
Many of the treatments you can buy at pet stores aren't as effective as these brands because they are Pyrethine based. This is a very old method of flea control and many flea populations are immune to it. It is however every effective for killing ticks.

After ruling out fleas, there are parasites that will cause chronic itching and hair-loss. Two that come to mind are Ringworms and Demodectic mange.
Ringworm is the common name for the skin infection caused by a special group of fungi, it is not caused by a worm at all. It is contagious to people. Demodectic mange is caused by Demodex canis, a tiny mite that cannot be seen without the aid of a microscope. It is not contagious to humans.

Your puppy should be examined by a veterinarian to find out the exact cause of the itching.

Hope that helps.
Best of luck,