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wetting the crate at night

19 9:39:21

i have a 6 month old yorkie purchased from a reputable breeder at 4 months old.  he initially slept well in a crate in my son's room from 8pm to 5am.  over the last two weeks, he has begun to pee his crate at night.  We have increased his exercise (at least one thirty minute walk per day), he gets enough attention but not too much, he eats twice daily on a regular schedule, and if we keep on a reasonable schedule has no day time accidents. thoughts or suggestions?

Couple of things to check out.

have his urine checked for an infection....sometimes if they are holding too long they will get an infection.  have you notice an increase in his drinking?

He is bigger and is eating more so may have to be out a little later before he goes to bed/or fed a little earlier

if he has recently had fleas he may have tape worm, which causes them to go more often...Tape worm is not picked up in a fecal exam.  You would have to check around his tail to see if you see tapeworm segments or rice like particles.

with the added exercise he may be drinking more and need to go out an extra time or two during the evening.

if he is not neutered he may be marking or feeling new urges.

well check on these and i would check for infections first.