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Boxer pups

19 9:39:21


We are taking our litter of boxer pups (6) to get their dewclaws removed & tails docked. I was told it would take about an hour. I'm worried that when I bring them back to mamma she may refuse them! They will be 3 days old tomorrow. Should I worry about that?

Hi Nelly,

I don't think you need to worry. Your momma dog probably will not refuse her litter after their big day at the doctor.

You could bring her with you for the ride to the doctor's office, and bring her back with you when you pick the pups up. It's often recommended to have the mother examined by a veterinarian within 24 hours after giving birth. If you take your momma dog with you might want to have her examined before the puppies get their procedures done.

Best of luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Patti!

This morning one of the pups had died. He had white discharge from his nose...almost like milk. When she gave birth, one white boxer did not survive the so happens that the other white boxer in the litter was the one that died this morning. All others are reverse brindles. Do you know what could have gone wrong? I hear that white boxers are prone to have illness. Just curious is all. Mom is doing well with other surviving pups.

Thanks again.


Hi Nelly,

I'm sorry to hear that you've lost two puppies!

There are white coat colors in dogs that are linked to several diseases and defects. The white coat color of boxers is not one of them. White Boxers can be more prone to deafness, sunburn, and sometimes blindness, than their colored-coated brothers and sisters are. I do not believe there are other health problems associated with the color of their coat.

I can't say what killed the two pups. I can tell you that Canine Herpesvirus (generally referred to as CHV),  is one of the leading causes of death in newborn puppies, though I can't say if this was the cause of your puppies deaths. Your vet may be able to give you a better guess at what the cause of death may have been.

I hope the surviving puppies continue to thrive, and live long happy lives!
