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Odd behavior in Lab

19 10:51:44

Within the past week our male Lab (2 1/2 years old)has been having accidents in the house (poop and pee).  The only thing that has changed is a female Lab puppy has moved in next door.  Could this be the problem?  Our Lab is not fixed.

A change in potty habits, if it isn't due to physical reasons (such as a bladder infection), is usually due to some sort of stress. It seems unlikely that a new puppy next door would be stressful, but all dogs are different. Is anyone in the household having problems with something? Dogs can pick up on our vibes/feelings so very well. If we are upset, something in the "pack" must be terribly wrong.

Also, there are those few dogs that, for whatever reason, just need to be reminded periodically what housebreaking means. Whatever the cause, the solution is the same (except in the case of a physical reason). Clean all those spots well with an enzyme cleaner and return your dog to a crate and begin housebreaking again. Fortunately, it usually only takes a few days of reminding to have the dog back on track again.

I hope your neighbors plan on spaying their new puppy. If they don't, you guys had better have a nice strong fence or life is going to get really interesting. Males can get really nuts when there are bitches in season around... howling, barking, digging, marking, and not eating.