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stains on white muzzle

19 14:16:30

Hi.  I have a 7 year old Westie whose muzzle is very stained. It wasn't that way the first couple of years. I don't know how to correct it or prevent it. Is it from her own saliva or just food? Can it be cleaned or does it just have to grow out? That's assuming I can prevent future staining. Any advise would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

Hello C. Shelton,  Well you are right it is from her own saliva.  I bet she licks the pads of her feet or somewhere else on her body and that area is also stained.  It is almost impossible to remove.  The best thing to do is solve the problem of her licking that spot or her body.  The hair will then grow out and once trimed it is gone.  Now this is very hard to do since Westies have many allergies and you have a hard time resolving them.  So.....having said that let me give you a trick that show people sometimes use.  Wet the stained area with lemon juice, then scrub with area with baking soda.  The lemon juice is a natural bleacher and the baking soda is a natural whitener.  Neither is harmful to the pet.  Most pet store items are ineffective. Good luck, this may not solve your problem but maybe lighten it up some.  Thanks, Cindy lou :)