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Llaso Apso puppy has grown into attack dog

19 14:11:18

I have a 1 year old Llaso Apso dog who lives with me at my apartment building.  I have to take  him outside every 2 hours for potty breaks.  Ever since he turned 1 year old, he tends to try to attack people (1 year old children included) who might be passing by during one of Bubba's potty breaks.  I make it a point to never take him out without a lesh now because I have found out that I can't control him with a voice command.  Any recommendations?  I did socialize him quite a bit as a puppy and took him everywhere with me I could...even took him to meetings, classes, programs.  When he turned 1 year old and started growling at people and barking, I've had to leave him at home locked inside the apartment.

Hello Ann, My first response to you is yep it sounds like a Lhasa to me.  They were bred to be palace guard dogs for a reason.  He is just reaching back to his roots.  The behavior you describe is very typical Lhasa behavior, only you forgot to metion the subbornous.  Now what do you do?  Well get him fixed ASAP and start dog training classes.  You would want to do classes with other dogs and people versus private lessons.  Put him in an environment that he will react to and listen to what the trainer will have to say to counteract it.  Seek out Lhasa groups who will be able to give you first hand advice on how they handled your same situation.  You did give him a great start now that he has matured stick with it, but take it a step further and join a class or talk with a speciality trainer.  Good luck, Cindy Lou :)