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new pup!?

19 11:32:04

Dear Karen, We have a 10 month old female Mini Schnauzer and a 5 month old male Mini Schnauzer.  My husband is missing having a German Shepherd pet.  The female is the top dog after myself and my husband.  Do you think that a German shepherd puppie would get along with the Mini's and vice versa? Also, would one gender be better than the other? Thank you so much for your expertise and time.

First of all, I don't think I would bring in another puppy just yet with two already in the house. That makes for a LOT of training! Get those first two trained well first, and then consider bringing in another one in about a year.

You should be able to better evaluate temperaments then, too, as the schnauzers may change a bit as they mature, particularly the male. At this point, I think I would bring in a more submissive bitch, but that will be easier to determine when the schnauzers are a bit older. I would certainly get everyone spayed/neutered to insure that they get along better; there is nothing worse than raging hormones to throw a monkey wrench into one's plans.
