Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > things that i thought was just dirt.. bleed when i sprayed Windex on them..

things that i thought was just dirt.. bleed when i sprayed Windex on them..

19 9:13:08

Does anyone have an idea what these things are?? They are very tiny like poppy seeds. I couldn't tell if they were moving or not.. but when I sprayed a bug that was being a pest with Windex these things I thought was just dirt was pouring out blood...It's freaking me out and I'm taking my animals to the vet tomorrow morning, since they are closed today. But they are mainly where my animals lay at... Can anyone help me?

Hi Christina
its very hard to say without seeing them but "things" that size that have blood in them only springs to mind as flea dirt! That is very small cos fleas are blood suckers so if you spray with windex & it disolves them what youre disolving is flea poo which is pure blood and if around your animals mostly then could be from flea infestation. Check your animals thoroughly all over and get some Advocate from your vet and re apply every month to keep them off.  Wash and then spray bedding and any sand or dirt area nearby to eradicate. Dogs can develop flea allegy which is very distressing for them so get on top of it to avoid breeding again.
dont put windex near bedding as not good for pets general health..
Good luck.