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my dogs licking problem

19 11:36:12

my almost ten year old pure bread Shih Tzu has a licking problem. he would lick himself till his skin would be raw. where he licks himself, he has barely any hair. i tried what you had recomended for someone else with giving vegi's and mashpotatos but that made it worst. what else should i do?

I certainly wasn't the one that recommended the veggie diet, and I am not surprised it made things worse.  I would choose a major brand of dry dog chow and feed ti an nothing else.  Brush the dog daily with a soft bristled brush and bathe it seldom if ever.  when you do bathe it, be very careful to rinse out the last bit of shampoo.  

If after a couple of months of that, you still have a problem, likely it will take a vet to solve it.