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Dog timid after fight

19 14:07:52

Greetings. We own 2 dogs, about 6 months apart in age, both females. Molly is a beagle-chow mix (18 months) and Roxie is a golden hybrid (we are not sure if it is wolf or coyote though), and is 2 years old. Molly is typically very outgoing, and Roxie is timid and shy, very submissive with humans. But with each other, the roles are reversed. If it helps any, Roxie was a stray adopted from the shelter, and Molly has been indoors all her life.

The other day the two were playing when one yelped like she was being injured (we believe it was Molly). The playing paused for a moment, then went into full-blown fighting. We did not interfere...and after about 30 seconds the two seperated with a full ridge each and snarling. We coaxed them into seperate corners to check for injuries. Neither were injured, but Molly kept shivering, and Roxie was back to her usual bouncy self.

Since then, Roxie will play eagerly with humans, and tries to play with Molly, but Molly will growl at her and hide under the bed or behind a human. Molly will also very hesitantly play with a human, but not very eagerly, and when Roxie shows up, immediately hides.

What do you think happened? Can we prevent it from happening again? And is there anything we can do to get them to play together again? Will they eventually learn to play again, or not?

Any and all advice is most welcome.

Thank you,
Amanda J. Berry

Hello Amanda,  It sounds like the trust factor is gone between Molly and Roxie.  Roxie has proved herself to be the domminant female and usually once that is established it is hard to change it.  Here is a website with some usefull information that will help you and also check your cable channels for the show The Dog Whisperer, this trainer deals with this problem often on his show.

Good luck with your dogs and check out the advice given at this website for your situation, I am sure it will help you. Thanks, Cindy lou :)