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my dog cant be left alone...

19 13:57:10

Hi, I have a question about my dog. Her name is Bella and we adopted her last year from a shelter when she was only 4 Months old, she is now 15 months. they said she was a pitbull mix, but the only thing she got is the color. we believe she is mixed with a lab cause she is so friendly to everyone or with a hound cause she is smelling everything and she kind of has those eyes.
We are both working so we used to use a crate when we were not home. Now she is too big for the crate and we also don't want her to be in there all day, we rather want her to be whereever she wants to be.
The problem is, that the first day we leave her alone everything is fine. but on the following days, we come home and always find something chewed up or destroyed. and lately she also is peeing on our bed. we now closed all the doors to the rooms she is not supposed to go into, like our bedroom. but she opens the door and always makes a big mess. We always leave her a lot of toys and a big bone but it seems like that she is not interested in that until we come back home. It also seems like that she knows that she is doing something wrong cause she is always very quick to leave the bedroom and looks guilty (with the cutest face).
We also dont make a big deal out of leaving or coming back to the house.
she really is a sweetheart but we dont know what to do with her in that case. Do you think we should get a bigger crate and put her in there again, which I really wouldnt like to do.

I hope that you can help me, because further than that she is a real cute cute dog.

If the old crate isn't big enough to stretch out in, I would pick up one that is.  You don't want too big of one.  

I would look for way to give her an mid day break, come home for lunch, a neighbor, a professional dog walker, whatever.  Also consider doggy day care.  

he "shut the puppy in a safe room" is a fallacy.  Very few houses even have a
safe room.  How many of us have a room with a hard surfaced floor and nothing
else?  Most rooms have electrical cords to chew if nothing else.  In addition
to destroying anything a bored puppy finds to chew, it may choke or have
intestinal  blockage from the pieces.  I had a friend that left her dog in a
"safe" room.  It ate a hole in the floor covering.  The safe rooms fail to
give the dog the comfort of the enclosed space their instinct requires.  Nor
do they restrict activity extending the time the dog can go without relieving