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Hair loss on my Dalmatian

19 9:19:56

I've noticed that my dog is starting having hair loss but only in one patch, it doesn't look Itchy or inflamed but I'm starting to see her skin and it also looks to be spreading. Do you know what this is and how I could treat it?


Hi Ellis,

Your first step in getting to the bottom of your dog's hair loss needs to begin with a trip to your veterinarian, to rule out an underlying disorder like a hormonal condition, such as Hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism.

If there isn't any redness, itching or flaky skin, your vet might give you the diagnosis of "Canine Alopecia", which means any deficiency of the normal hair coat. Treatment for alopecia depends on what is causing the hair loss. Alopecia is usually a sign of an underlying disorder (many times an endocrine disorder), which must be diagnosed accurately in order for effective treatment to begin.

Best of luck,
