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two male rat-tierrer mix

19 9:39:23

I have a dog that we adopted, his name is Peety. It has been a year now. I adopted another male dog who looks such like Peety. Thought it would be ideal to have two dogs of the same size, didn't expect to get another male. Our new dog is name Freddy. Peety and Freddy just met and they happen to get along, it just Freddy is not neutered yet and he keeps spraying everywhere. Both dogs tails waggle but how do I keep Freddy from trying hump Peety? what should I keep an eye out to make sure they both don't hurt each other?

When there are two of the same sex, it always happens that one will want to dominate the other.
It is best to get them both neutered asap!
If already done, then, the best thing is to watch, and be aware that there will be discussions on who is the boss!
So, it is best to keep them separate if you are not able to supervise.
Best of luck,
P.S. An Obedience class for both of them would do wonders!!!