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mixing benadryl and doxcycline in dogs

19 10:06:46

i have a dog (dinky) he weighs about 4 kilos and is about 10 years old. he is being treated for tick viruse his poor little body is covered in a rash. i think it is from the doxcycline i was wondering if he could take benadryl to relieve the ithching. since he has been on doxi-pet he is like my dinky again. his teatment on doxcycline 21 day on meds 15day off and another 21 day on he is on the last stage of the treatment. thanks for you time. i live in mexico and it is hard to find this infor from the vets down here. thanks againg for your time betty anne

Hi Betty Anne,

Since Dinky is already receiving medication, a simple phone call to your vet will let you know if you can give him Benadryl.  There is always the possibility of drug interactions, so it's best that your vet advises you with this.

If your dog is itching from the Doxycycline, that might be considered a side effect, and if your dog is having side effects, it's something your vet should know! Your vet may want to change the medication Dinky is receiving.

Sorry I can't be more of a help.

Best of luck,
